10 Best Things That Happened To Captain America


Captain America is one of the original Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the overall leader of the team. During his years in the MCU, he became a fan-favorite character for his toughness, loyalty, and ability to discern right from wrong.

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Although Steve Rogers, like many heroes, often endures constant trials and tribulations, he also had quite a few high points in his life. Even in the midst of tragedy, Cap’s life occasionally allowed the light of good fortune to shine on the superhero’s head.


Found in ice

Even though being frozen in ice was one of the worst things that happened to Captain America, being found was one of the best. After nearly 70 years frozen in suspended animation, Captain Steve Rogers was finally unearthed by SHIELD, who kept a watchful eye on the hero until he woke up.

Much of this series of events initially seemed tragic to Steve; everyone he had known and loved seemed so far away from him, the world was different from what he had left behind, and his old life had faded over the decades. However, waking up to the 21st century made Rogers a better hero and a better man, even if it took a while to realize that.

Kiss Sharon Carter

Much to Natasha Romanoff’s chagrin, Steve largely stayed out of the dating game after his stint as “Capsicle.” However, after going rogue for Civil war, Cap shared a passionate kiss with former SHIELD agent Sharon Carter.

Although many fans may frown upon this scene given Steve’s romantic history with Sharon’s aunt, the fact remains that this was the first time the superhero allowed himself to venture into the romantic world in almost 70 years. Being able to share a moment like this with Sharon helped him enter this strange new world a little more than before.

enlist in the army

Captain America (Chris Evans) brings WWII captives back to base, including Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)

At the beginning of Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers had only one goal: to enlist in the United States Army to contribute to the war effort in Europe. However, his short stature and sickly nature prevented him from being accepted. Fortunately for young Rogers, with the help of Dr. Abraham Erskine, he finally achieved his dream of serving overseas with his countrymen.

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This moment not only allowed Steve to achieve his goals of serving his country, but it also gave him the unique opportunity to prove that even a “skinny kid from Brooklyn” could make a difference. Although he would go on to take an experimental serum that would transform his body, it was the heart of man that got him such an opportunity in the first place.

Give the shield to Sam

Sam Wilson Captain America

The end of Avengers: Endgame saw Steve Rogers return from an alternate timeline where he married Peggy Carter and grew old with her. After reuniting with Sam Wilson, old Steve passed on his iconic shield to his former sidekick, naming him the new Captain America.

This moment was vital in Steve and Sam’s relationship, and the official moment when the elder hero finally laid down his arms and allowed himself to be at peace. After decades of serving the greater good, Steve was finally able to allow that job to go to someone else, effectively retiring from the superhero game.

Join the Avengers

After waking up from his decades-long nap, Steve Rogers was approached by SHIELD Director Nick Fury with an offer to join an amazing group of people, a team now known as the Avengers. Although Steve approached this team hesitantly at first, he learned to cherish the relationships he forged upon joining the group.

Steve was a natural leader in the team early on, establishing a structure that would keep the team stable for a long time. While the Avengers started out as a necessity, they gradually became a family, with Steve’s leadership of the group making him one of the best Avengers in the MCU.

Get the serum

Captain America First Avenger Super Soldi

Before becoming Captain America, Steve Rogers was just a skinny kid from Queens with a lot of fights crammed into a small body. But, after proving the goodness of his heart, he was selected to become the first super-soldier in the history of the world.

While many may have used these incredible new powers for selfish ambitions, Steve proved to be the perfect choice for the experiment, dedicating his life to protecting others. He would use these powers to become a superhero, an Avenger, and one of the world’s most powerful defenders of justice.

Reconcile with Tony

Even in the comics, Tony and Cap have always had a friendly rivalry, but that repartee descended into violence over the course of Civil war, leading the two best enemies to separate. It took until End of Game for the heroes to come together, finally putting aside their differences and rekindling the fiery friendship they once shared.

Even though they had their differences, Steve always cared very deeply for Tony. They may not have always gotten along, but they each made the other a better hero with their presence. During their separation, the two suffered the worst losses imaginable when Thanos defeated the Avengers and erased half of all life from existence. It wasn’t until they got together that Tony and Steve were able to become the best heroes they could be again.

Reunion with Peggy Carter

Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter dance in Avengers Endgame

After spending over a decade as a hero in the modern era, Steve Rogers finally allowed himself a selfish decision, using the Quantum Realm to time travel to the 1940s so he could live. the rest of his life with Peggy Carter. Little is known about their time together, except that an elderly Steve would later call it “beautiful”.

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Peggy was Steve’s first thought after learning that he had been frozen for seven decades and was often on his mind in the years that followed. There had always been a pang of regret at the back of Steve’s mind, wishing he could have stayed with her. Finally being able to reunite with the love of his life was a worthy reward for Steve’s life of heroism.

prove its worth

Steve proves he's worthy

One of Cap’s unmistakable traits in the MCU is his leadership – never was this more evident than in Battle for Earth, when he not only led the Avengers into battle against the forces of Thanos, but also wielded Thor’s mighty hammer, Mjölnir, proving his dignity.

While this scene is an iconic fan service adrenaline-filled moment, it also serves as the finishing touch to Cap’s arc by proving Tony Stark’s words in the first avengers bad movie: there was more to him than what came out of a bottle. In this moment, Cap proves that his true superpower is his heart, not the super-soldier serum.

Retrieve Bucky

Chris Evans as Captain America Steve Rogers and Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier in Civil War

During his early years as Captain America, Steve’s biggest support was his best friend, Bucky Barnes. However, Bucky was apparently killed while on a mission, only to reappear as the Winter Soldier years later. It took a lot of time and effort, but with the help of the Wakandans, Steve was finally able to get his old friend back.

Finally, finding the real Bucky was more to Steve than finding an old friend. Bucky essentially became Steve’s only link to his old life and was the only person in the world who went through the same disorienting process of waking up in a different century. Returning Bucky to his old self was perhaps the greatest thing that ever happened in Steve Rogers’ life.

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