10 Captain America’s Weakest Villains Lost In The Comics


Captain America is often considered one of the greatest superheroes of all time. It’s a reputation he carries both in the universe and among the fans. Considering he hails from the Golden Age and later became a solo adventurer and the leader of the Avengers in modern times, it’s easy to see how he’s become so admired.

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Captain America has participated in countless battles and won huge victories where he has triumphed against thick and thin and defeated foes more powerful than himself. Being at the bottom of the power ladder makes his wins more impressive, but Cap isn’t invincible. He’s lost his fair share of battles and, in his less proud moments, lost to relatively weak villains.

ten Paladin captured Captain America during Civil War

Paladin vs. Captain America

The Civil War event pitted the group of Iron Man, who supported the Superhuman Registration Act against Captain America, leading a team of those against registration. Misty Knight led the Heroes for Hire, which included the underpowered Mercenary Paladin.

When Captain America managed to talk to Misty and her team, Paladin took the opportunity to attack. Shielded by an electromagnetic field generator to deflect Captain America’s shield and armed with gas bombs, Paladin took down the Heroes for Hire as well as Captain America and delivered him to S.H.I.E.L.D.

9 Baron Zemo shot down Captain America in his first appearance

Baron Zemo

Heinrich Zemo was an enemy of Captain America during World War II, and soon after Captain America came out of suspended animation, he resumed his rivalry with Heinrich. After a fight in South America results in Heinrich’s death, his son Helmut swore revenge on Captain America.

Like his father, Helmut is a skilled fighter without any powers. Before revealing himself as the next Baron Zemo, Helmut assumed the identity of Phoenix and attacked Captain America, and fled. When Cap chased Phoenix, Zemo knocked him out with a gas-filled decoy.

8 The Tumbler outsmarted Captain America

Captain America fights Tumbler

Not all villains are interesting enough to become recurring characters, and some are downright forgettable. Although this is the case with a character named the Tumbler, after his death his brother became the new Tumbler.

Seeking revenge on the insurance company for not paying, the Tumbler was stealing from them when he was stopped by Captain America. Agile and with a Green Beret formation, Tumbler managed to dodge Cap’s shields and ricochets. Leaving the fight unapprehended, Tumbler considered himself the winner of the battle.

7 Captain America couldn’t defeat Nuke

Captain America fights Nuke

The Super Soldier Serum turned Steve Rogers into Captain America, but he’s not the only Super Soldier in the Marvel Universe. Subjugated to drugs and cybernetics, Nuke is an unstable soldier with extreme patriotism.

On the loose in an Eastern European country, Nuke came to blows with Captain America. They fought for hours, and it was Captain America who got exhausted before Nuke. Nuke had him on the ground and held at gunpoint, and Cap had to give him a speech about patriotism to stop his rampage.

6 Kingpin was too much for Captain America to handle

Captain America fights Kingpin

While battling the terrorist organization Hydra, Captain America ended up pursuing Richard Fisk, which led him to Richard’s father, Wilson Fisk, aka the Kingpin. Kingpin regularly battles Spider-Man and Daredevil, and while he has no superpowers, his strength is human. When Captain America fought him, he realized that Kingpin was much faster than he had expected.

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Kingpin ignored Cap’s attacks, then went on the offensive, trapping him in a hug. Without the timely intervention of Redwing and Falcon, Captain America would have passed out.

5 The Swordsman took out Captain America to weaken the Avengers


The Swordsman sought to join the Avengers to cover up his crimes. After breaking into Avengers headquarters, Swordsman was defeated and had to flee. Trying another tactic, Swordsman decided to lure Captain America away from the team.

Captain America wanted to work with SHIELD, so Swordsman tricked him into believing he was meeting Nick Fury to ambush him. Swordman’s only skill is with his sword, and even though Captain America had an advantage during the fight, Swordsman was able to enter a hydraulic lift and bury Cap in the rubble.

4 Batroc The Leaper Stole Cap’s Shield

Batroc with Captain America's shield

Batroc The Leaper is a recurring Captain America who is often treated as a joke. He’s a French-accented assassin who leads with his feet, but he’s rarely a threat, and Cap has beaten him with ease on several occasions. However, there was one instance where Batroc had one on Cap.

Batroc teamed up with fellow assassins Zaran and Machete and sent them to fight Captain America. Cap defeated them both on his own, but while he was distracted by the fight, Batroc stole Cap’s shield right under his nose.

3 Constrictor delivered Captain America to Viper

Captain America is no stranger to battling supervillains with serpent gadgets, and he’s made a career out of battling the entire Serpent Society. The Constrictor, who uses cybernetic coils to restrain his victims, has already managed to defeat Captain America.

Shortly after Captain America encounters Jack Monroe (the returning Bucky), the two go on patrol and are assaulted by Constrictor. Constrictor eliminates Bucky then fights Captain America. As Constrictor fought Captain America, Viper’s henchmen shot Cap in the back, allowing Constrictor to take him captive.

2 Doctor Faustus arranged the death of Captain America

Captain America dying

Doctor Faustus is a longtime Captain America villain with no superpowers or physical skills. Faustus’ strength lies in his ability to manipulate people. Captain America was coping with the events of the Civil War and, feeling guilty for the collateral damage, surrendered to the authorities.

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Faustus could never beat Captain America head-on, so he posed as a SHIELD psychiatrist treating Sharon Carter. Sharon was with Cap when he was taken into custody, which is when Faustus’ mind control took hold of her, causing her to shoot and kill Captain America.

1 Crossbones trapped Captain America twice in one fight

The Marvel Universe is home to many highly skilled assassins, such as the mercenary Crossbones, who praises his combat skills as a henchman. Crossbones has no powers but posed a threat to Captain America.

When Cap went to Madripor to rescue Diamondback, he literally walked into Crossbones’ trap and injured his leg. Cap defeats Crossbones in the ensuing fight, but Crossbones uses Captain America’s desperation to lead him into a building he had rigged with an explosive. Trap cap on a pressure sensitive plate attached to a bomb, Crossbones escaped.

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