Australia Day protesters deface Captain Cook statue with red paint


A statue of Captain James Cook at St Kilda Beach has been covered in red paint overnight in protest against Australia Day.

The Melbourne statue was covered in bright red paint with the base of the statue covered in leaflets protesting the Australia Day celebration.

Council workers quickly cleaned the statue’s red paint as several locals looked on.

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Investigators are currently investigating the incident and are urging all witnesses to come forward and report the vandalism to the police.

It is the second time the statue of Captain James Cook has been vandalized after it was defaced with pink paint in 2018.

The statue also sported an Aboriginal flag as well as the words “no pride” under the captain’s feet.

Other locations have also been vandalized as part of various Australia Day protests across the country.

The protests mimic similar moves by American protesters during the Black Lives Matter movement when protesters across the country pulled down and defaced statues of Confederate soldiers in 2020.

Anyone who may have witnessed the vandalism of the Captain James Cook statue is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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