Cyclops Powers Deserve More Respect After Destroying Captain America


Exiles’ Mimic proves just how dangerous the Cyclops’ powers are when he uses optic blasts to defeat a Captain America look-alike before the Skrulls!

A former X-Men proved that Cyclops‘ powers should not be underestimated when he used them to single-handedly defeat a version of Captain America. Calvin Rankin was a former criminal whose second chance at redemption led him to become a great hero. His ability to mimic multiple mutant powers on command has proven useful as a member of the reality-hopping Exiles. When their early adventures traveling to parallel Marvel worlds take a turn for the worst, Mimic is forced to battle some of the world’s greatest heroes and easily took down their Steve Rogers using Scott Summers’ powers in front of a live audience.


On Earth-12, Calvin Rankin learned of his mutant powers when he accidentally ran into the original X-Men, using his newfound abilities as a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. When this choice saw him in prison, Mimic accepted Charles Xavier’s offer to join the X-Men, later reinventing himself as the leader of the X-Men and one of his world’s greatest heroes. When he broke away from time, Mimic became one of the founders members of the Exiles, helping to fix or prevent great disasters on alternate Earths in hopes that their success would allow them to return home. Their journey took them to a Skrull-dominated version of Earth, where superhumans were forced to engage in gladiator-style combat for the Skrull audience’s enjoyment.

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In Judd Winick and Mike McKone’s story, the Exiles had teleported into a public space and were immediately captured by the Skrulls. While Blink and Morph managed to escape, Nocturne, Sunfire, Thunderbird and Mimic were forced to fight or be killed, a brutal routine they followed for weeks while hoping for rescue. Becoming a fan favorite due to his victories in the Games, Mimic eventually faced a version of Steve Rogers who had been created by the Skrulls to aid them in their fight against the Kree. In Exiles #9, Mimic watches the Captain meet with an enthusiastic, annoyed response, one of Earth’s greatest heroes is now a willing puppet of their oppressors. Mimic proves he’s not the same by using Cyclops’ optic blast to knock Captain America out with one blow in front of a massive, shocked Skrull audience.

Mimic’s Mutant Abilities allow him to copy up to five Mutant Abilities which he can use on command, with the powers operating at half capacity compared to their original wielder. Cyclops’ optic blasts have been considered one of the X-Men’s most dangerous powers, with Scott having spent years controlling the power he channels through his ruby ​​quartz visor. In this case, they are Mimic’s secret weapon, having used his other mutant powers against other opponents, which helped him not only survive but also gain popularity. This version of Captain America was created to fight aliens, not Nazis during World War II and his training was at the Games rather than alongside the Avengers. His Skrull-given powers and imitation of his signature shield are no match for Mimic’s power which, even at a reduced level, is strong enough to break through the wall with Rogers’ body.

While it could be argued that this is a lesser version of Captain America, Mimic’s victory over the captain is undeniable, intensified by Cal’s disgust at the Skrulls’ obsession with the Games and their corruption of one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Although Mimic’s explosion only knocks out his opponent, other moments have shown his willingness to do whatever is necessary to complete the mission, capable of knocking out powers like Wolverine or even killing versions of people he knew in his world. Although his message was directed more towards the Skrull lords, his other point is clear: Cyclops could win Captain America under the right circumstances.

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