Football mourns the death of ‘captain’ Carmelo Fosca


He retired many years ago. He never sought the star. “Commander” Carmelo Fosca spoke a little, but in his ways, in his authority, without being tyrannical, he was able to make himself heard and heard. Its disappearance takes us further and further away from the football of yesteryear, from the disappearance of clay courts, without watching pay TV and images on the web, but with stadiums always full. Kahn, Carmelo Fosca, For many years, Chef Vibonese Everyone remembers his regretful exploits and deeds on football in the past.

He is highly regarded nationally, as for several years he was also the Ground Marshals Coordinator for the National Amateur League. Over 40 years in the world of football, “Commendatore” He was gifted with great charisma and always tried to help football in Calabria As a member of the Interregional Committee. He was entrusted with a task, which included a wide vision and a broad knowledge of the facts and situations inherent in all football teams throughout the Italian League, a rather complicated task, in short, with the management of the field of hundreds of commissioners, to be sent from time to time in games of particular importance, or in games with particular environmental difficulty, or when there are certain requests from the clubs. Honorable Executive of Coni and FIGCis everywhere in the memory of a respectable person, always available, never arguing and always listened to.

as a soccer coach His name is definitely associated with Vibonese. Lots of adventure at the top of the Russopley Club. From top to bottom, but under the direction of the “Commendatore” Carmelo Fuscà, the Vibonese team lived its best years, when it dominated all the fields of Calabria, and in a few years passed from the first category to the Italian league. , with many fans. At Luigi Razza, there has always been a full house. And everyone fondly remembers those years when Vibonese was welcomed everywhere under the “Commendatore”. Passionate and efficient, Foska leaves an excellent memory of himself. The memory, unfortunately, of football no longer exists.


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