How Flag Smasher shines a light on Steve’s legacy


In recent years, Captain America has faced some major external and internal struggles. From his past, in which he was inadvertently the face of Hydra and had to regain the confidence he lost by becoming a fugitive, the hero got anything but a break. But recently, things have gotten more confusing as his past has become even more complex than his present, and the shield he carried may have ties to a sinister secret. With all the chaos in his life, now might also be the best time for a classic Captain America villain to return in epic fashion.

In Captain America: Sentinel of Freedom (by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Carmen Carnero and VC’s Joe Carmagna), Steve Rogers learned that his shield might be part of a sinister secret that would make him his signature tool, not his. Because this mystery has captured almost all of Steve’s attention, he’s also the most vulnerable, much like the country and world he’s sworn to protect. As a result, now may be the best time for Flag-Smasher Karl Morgenthau to realize his skewed vision of world peace.

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Karl Morgenthau was the son of a Swiss diplomat and spent much of his life traveling the world. For most of his life, he constantly adapted to the language and customs of those around him, but because of his travels, he never had the chance to develop his own customs or maintain relationships. durable. As a result, he was immature when it came to social interaction. However, that all changed when his father became a diplomat, traveled to the United States, and was eventually trampled to death in a riot at the Latvian Embassy. From then on, Karl dedicated his life to dismantling established orders through violence, believing this was the way to achieve world peace.

Morgenthau’s time as Flag-Smasher saw him face off against Captain America on several occasions until he eventually faded into Marvel history as bigger threats and villains arose. But now, with Steve Rogers on the cusp of one of the biggest internal crises of his life, Morgenthau could take advantage of Steve’s wavering faith in the Shield and the Country to push his agenda forward once more. Like his father, he amassed a substantial sum which allowed him to take control of experimental technology and weaponry. With the Marvel Universe more advanced than ever, this could eventually destroy Cape Town.

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With a new arsenal of advanced weaponry and an invigorated desire to advance his agenda in an already fractured world, Flag-Smasher could become Captain America’s greatest enemy. To make matters worse, it would come at a time when he least expected it, making him, once again, look bad in the public eye. To make matters worse, as Flag-Smasher exploits this vulnerability, it could, in turn, erode the national identity of other countries. In the end, he would get what he wanted by doing nothing more than planning a few strategic attacks and leaking some information.

The world has changed dramatically since Flag-Smasher was last seen. All the new technological developments since his departure would only work in his favor. With Steve struggling and haunted by the past, now is the best time to take advantage of these changes and reintroduce Flag-Smasher in a big way. But the danger he could cause could be so great that it would take more than Steve Rogers to stop him.


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