Longtime Chautauqua County Sheriff Capt. David Bentley was laid to rest July 15 after drowning in Chautauqua Lake on July 9.
Law enforcement stood side by side as a final salute was given to the captain.
Chautauqua County Sheriff James Quattrone explained how they remembered Bentley in the office.
“We tell a lot of stories and share a lot of tears and a lot of laughter at the same time,” said Chautauqua County Sheriff James Quattrone.
Quattrone said Bentley’s role in the office was seen as a mentor and father figure.
“Some of them actually called him their dad at work because, as I shared earlier today, he could give great fatherly advice and at the same time be very willing to discipline us in case need,” Quattrone said.
Members of the Chautauqua County community lined the streets to pay their respects as he was taken to his final resting place.
Retired Deputy Sheriff James Carlson said the influx of support came as no surprise.
“It’s Dave. Dave had a lot of friends and he would do the same for anyone. There were many times when we made calls for him to support the victims whatever they needed at any time. It was Dave,” said retired deputy sheriff James Carlson.
For those who knew him best, they said Captain Bentley will continue to leave his mark for those currently serving in the force for years to come.
“Dave was full of knowledge. He taught the youngest a lot and mentored many of them. I know that after I left, if any of the younger kids had questions, they would go to Dave. Dave was like a dad to all the young guys up there,” Carlson said.
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Carlson said he is confident Captain Bentley’s lasting impact will continue and benefit all who serve.